Pingway's Music Studio 平威的音樂工作室

Music Flows



Good score

makes a plus to your footage. It won’t take away the main role and the expression from the images but delivering and address what the story wants to tell. I have two types of scores here.
One type is the score for the footages; another is score for the stories/ audio.

配樂影片ㄧ Score 1

配樂影片二 Score 2

配樂影片三 Score 3

配樂影片四 Score 4

配樂影片五 Score 5


網站上的音樂有一小部分已經在AddMusic網站公開授權。 到網站後輸入關鍵字Pingway, 就可以直接購買授權,用在您想用的任何地方,如果您沒看到喜歡的音樂開放授權,歡迎您直接聯絡我,謝謝您!

Authorization and license:

Some of my work is managed by AddMusic firm, a company offers licensed music online.
When you get to the site, in “Search by keyword”, search Pingway. You get to see some work there. if the work you like is not on the site, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you so much!