



家、我愛妳 小姐、聽見希望的註釋
在這裡。 殘緣、感受你的愛、一個人的對話的註釋在這裡。 出征 蓄勢待發的註釋在這裡

Music taste is a very personal stuff.

Many Genres, I do so much love those variety in music. I make and write a few different types music, such as, pop, musical, rap, disco, rock, classical as well. I love to try and see the limit. What I can do to use different ways to express my feelings.
Creating is a daily thing. I'm not able to complete a tune everyday since it's a long process of making a song. But the seed of music is there, when I need, I grab and I make it. Leave any comments. I love to see the feedbacks. Cheers!

更多平威的原創音樂作品與介紹More Pingway’s originals


https://addmusic.tw/ 到網站後輸入關鍵字Pingway, 就可以直接購買授權,用在您想用的任何地方,如果您沒看到喜歡的音樂開放授權,歡迎您直接聯絡我,謝謝您!

Authorization and license:

Some of my work is managed by AddMusic firm, a company offers licensed music online.
When you get to the site, in “Search by keyword”, search Pingway. You get to see some work there. if the work you like is not on the site, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you so much!